Package 'csampling'

Title: Functions for Conditional Simulation in Regression-Scale Models
Description: Monte Carlo conditional inference for the parameters of a linear nonnormal regression model.
Authors: S original by Alessandra R. Brazzale <[email protected]>. R port by Alessandra R. Brazzale <[email protected]>.
Maintainer: Alessandra R. Brazzale <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2) | file LICENCE
Version: 1.2-2.1
Built: 2025-03-09 03:10:13 UTC

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Functions for Conditional Simulation in Regression-Scale Models


Monte Carlo conditional inference for the parameters of a linear nonnormal regression model


Package: csampling
Version: 1.2-0
Date: 2009-10-03
Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), marg, statmod, survival
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes


Laplace                 Calculate Laplace's Marginal Density
dmt                     Multivariate Student t Distribution        Create a Conditional Sampling Data Object
plot.Lapl.spl           Plot uni- and bivariate approximate marginal
rsm.sample              Conditional Sampler for Regression-Scale


S original by Alessandra R. Brazzale <[email protected]>. R port by Alessandra R. Brazzale <[email protected]>.

Maintainer: Alessandra R. Brazzale <[email protected]>

Calculate Laplace's Marginal Density Approximation


Calculates the Laplace approximation to the uni- and bivariate marginal densities of components of the MLE in a regression-scale model. The reference distribution is the conditional distribution given the ancillary.


Laplace(which = stop("no choice made"), data = stop("data are missing"), 
        val1, idx1, val2, idx2, log.scale = TRUE)



the kind of marginal density that should be approximated. Possible choices are c (univariate: regression coefficient), s (univariate: scale parameter), cc (bivariate: two regression coefficients) and cs (bivariate: regression coefficient and scale parameter).


a special conditional sampling data object. This object must be a list with the following elements:


the vector containing the values of the ancillary; usually the Pearson residuals. It has to be of the same length than the number of observations in the linear regression model.


the model matrix. It may be obtained applying model.matrix to the fitted rsm object of interest. The number of observations has to be the same than the dimension of the ancillary, and the number of covariates must correspond to the number of regression coefficients defined in the coef component.


the vector of true values of the regression coefficients, that is, the values used in the simulation study.


the true value of the scale parameter used in the simulation study.


a family.rsm object characterizing the error distribution of the linear regression model. The following generator functions are available in the marg package of the R package bundle hoa: student (Student's t), extreme (Gumbel or extreme value), logistic, logWeibull, logExponential, logRayleigh and Huber (Huber's least favourable). The demonstration file ‘margdemo.R’ that accompanies the marg package shows how to create a new generator function.


a logical value. If TRUE the scale parameter is known.

The function can be used to create this data object from a fitted rsm model.


sequence of values for the first MLE at which to calculate the density.


index of the first regression coefficient, that is, its position in the vector MLE.


sequence of values for the second MLE at which to calculate the density.


index of the second regression coefficient, that is, its position in the vector MLE.


logical value. If TRUE the approximation is calculated on the log scale. Highly recommended. The default is TRUE.


Laplace's integral approximation method is used in order to avoid multi-dimensional numerical integration. The uni- and bivariate approximations to the marginal distributions give insight into how the multivariate conditional distribution of the MLE vector is structured. Methods are available to plot them. They help in choosing a suitable candidate generation density to be used in the rsm.sample function.

All information is supplied through the data argument. Note that the user has to keep to the structure described above. If a conditional simulation is to be performed for a fitted rsm object, the function can be used to generate this special object. The logical switch fixed in the conditional sampling data object must be specified.


Returns a Lapl.spl or Lapl.cont object with the approximate uni- or bivariate conditional distribution of one or two components of the MLE.


The file ‘csamplingdemo.R’ contains code that can be used to run a conditional simulation study similar to the one described in Brazzale (2000, Section 7.3) using the data given in Example 3 of DiCiccio, Field and Fraser (1990).


Brazzale, A. R. (2000) Practical Small-Sample Parametric Inference. Ph.D. Thesis N. 2230, Department of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne.

DiCiccio, T. J., Field, C. A. and Fraser, D. A. S. (1990) Approximations of marginal tail probabilities and inference for scalar parameters. Biometrika, 77, 77–95.

See Also, rsm.sample. family.rsm.object,

Create a Conditional Sampling Data Object


Uses a fitted rsm model to create the data object used by the conditional sampler rsm.sample.




a fitted rsm object.


Returns a conditional sampling data object such as needed by the rsm.sample function. This object is a list with the following elements:


the vector containing the values of the ancillary; usually the Pearson residuals. It has to be of the same length than the number of observations in the linear regression model.


the model matrix. It may be obtained applying model.matrix to the fitted rsm object of interest. The number of observations has to be the same than the dimension of the ancillary, and the number of covariates must correspond to the number of regression coefficients defined in the coef component.


the vector of true values of the regression coefficients, that is, the values used in the simulation study.


the true value of the scale parameter used in the simulation study.


a family.rsm object characterizing the error distribution of the linear regression model. The following generator functions are available in the marg package of the R package bundle hoa: student (Student's t), extreme (Gumbel or extreme value), logistic, logWeibull, logExponential, logRayleigh and Huber (Huber's least favourable). The demonstration file ‘margdemo.R’ that accompanies the marg package shows how to create a new generator function.


a logical value. If TRUE the scale parameter is known.

The function can be used to create this data object from a fitted rsm model.


The file ‘csamplingdemo.R’ contains code that can be used to run a conditional simulation study similar to the one described in Brazzale (2000, Section 7.3) using the data given in Example 3 of DiCiccio, Field and Fraser (1990).


Brazzale, A. R. (2000) Practical Small-Sample Parametric Inference. Ph.D. Thesis N. 2230, Department of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne.

DiCiccio, T. J., Field, C. A. and Fraser, D. A. S. (1990) Approximations of marginal tail probabilities and inference for scalar parameters. Biometrika, 77, 77–95.

See Also

rsm.object, rsm.sample

Multivariate Student t Distribution


Density and random number generation for the multivariate Student t distribution.


dmt(x, df=stop("'df' argument is missing, with no default"), 
    mm=rep(0, length(x)), cov=diag(rep(1, length(x))))
rmt(n, df=stop("'df' argument is missing, with no default"), 
    mm=rep(0, mult), cov=diag(rep(1, mult)), mult, is.chol=FALSE)



a single multivariate observation. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


the sample size. If length(n) is larger than 1, then length(n) random vectors are returned, bound together in a length(n) times mult matrix, where mult is the dimension of the multivariate variable.


the degrees of freedom. In rmt this is replicated to be of the same length than the number of deviates generated by rmt.


the dimension of the multivariate Student t variate.


a vector location parameter. The default is a vector of 0's.


a square scale matrix. The default is the identity matrix.


logical flag. If TRUE, the argument cov is the result from the Choleski decomposition of the original scale matrix.


Returns the density (dmt) of or a random sample (rmt) from the multivariate Student t distribution on df degrees of freedom.

Side Effects

The function rmt causes creation of the dataset .Random.seed if it does not already exist, otherwise its value is updated.


The multivariate Student t distribution is a real valued symmetric distribution centered at mm. It is defined as the ratio of a centred multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix cov, and the square root of an independent χ2\chi^2 distribution with df degrees of freedom subsequently translated by mm. (See Johnson and Kotz, 1976, par. 37.3, pg. 134ff.) The multivariate t distribution approaches the multivariate Gaussian (Normal) distribution as the degrees of freedom go to infinity.


Elements of x that are missing will cause the corresponding elements of the result to be missing.


Johnson, N. L. and Kotz, S. (1976) Distributions in Statistics: Continuous Multivariate Distributions. New York: Wiley.

See Also

TDist, Normal, Random.


dmt(c(0.1, -0.4), df = 4, mm = c(1, -1))  
## density of a bivariate t distribution with 4 degrees of freedom 
## and centered at (1,-1)

rmt(n = 100, df = 5, mult = 4)  
## generates 100 replicates of a standard four-variate t distribution 
## with 5 degress of freedom

Plot uni- and bivariate approximate marginal densities


Plots the uni- and bivariate approximations to the marginal densities of components of the MLE obtained by Laplace's method.


## S3 method for class 'Lapl.spl'
plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'Lapl.cont'
plot(x, ...)



an object of class Lapl.spl or Lapl.cont such as generated by the Laplace function.


additional graphics parameters.


This is a method for the function plot() for objects inheriting from class Lapl.spl and Lapl.cont generated by the Laplace() routine.

See Also


Conditional Sampler for Regression-Scale Models


Generates replicates of the MLEs of the parameters occuring in a regression-scale model using as reference distribution the conditional distribution of the MLEs given the value of the ancillary.


rsm.sample(data = stop("no data given"), R = 10000, 
    ran.gen = stop("candidate distribution is missing, with no default"), 
           trace = TRUE, step = 100, ...)



A special conditional sampling data object. This object must be a list with the following elements:


the vector containing the values of the ancillary; usually the Pearson residuals. It has to be of the same length than the number of observations in the linear regression model.


the model matrix. It may be obtained applying model.matrix to the fitted rsm object of interest. The number of observations has to be the same than the dimension of the ancillary, and the number of covariates must correspond to the number of regression coefficients defined in the coef component.


the vector of true values of the regression coefficients, that is, the values used in the simulation study.


the true value of the scale parameter used in the simulation study.


a family.rsm object characterizing the error distribution of the linear regression model. The following generator functions are available in the marg package of the R package bundle hoa: student (Student's t), extreme (Gumbel or extreme value), logistic, logWeibull, logExponential, logRayleigh and Huber (Huber's least favourable). The demonstration file ‘margdemo.R’ that accompanies the marg package shows how to create a new generator function.


a logical value. If TRUE the scale parameter is known.

The function can be used to create this data object from a fitted rsm model.


the number of replicates.


a function which describes how the candidate values used in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm should be generated. It must be a function of at least two arguments. The first one is the data object data, and the second argument is R, the number of replicates required. Any other information needed may be passed through the ... argument. The returned value should be a R times k matrix of simulated values. For the value of k see the details section below.


a logical value; if TRUE, the iteration number is printed. Defaults to TRUE.


a numercial value defining after how many iterations to print the iteration number. Default is 100.


absorbs additional arguments to ran.gen. These are passed unchanged each time this function is called.


The rsm.sample function uses the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate an ergodic chain with equilibrium distribution equal to the conditional distribution of the MLEs given the ancillary. Because of the broad applicability of this algorithm the candidate generation density was not built in, but has to be supplied by the user through the ran.gen argument. The output of this function must be a R times k matrix, where k = p + 1 or k = p + 2 depending on whether the scale parameter is fixed or not. The first p columns contain the MLEs of the regression coefficients, the following the MLEs of the scale parameter if unknown, and the last column contains the probabilities of the candidate values drawn from the candidate generation distribution. Note that these probabilities need only be calculated up to a normalizing constant.

All information is supplied through the data argument. The user has to keep to the structure described above. If a conditional simulation is to be performed for a fitted rsm object, the function can be used to generate this special object. It is advisable to specify the logical switch fixed in the conditional sampling object, although it needs not (in which case the scale parameter is supposed to be unknown).

The conditional simulation (cs) object generated by rsm.sample contains all information necessary for further investigation, such as the derivation of the conditional distribution of test statistics, the calculation of conditional coverage levels of confidence intervals and many more. As the computation is somewhat tricky, an example is given in the demonstration file ‘csamplingdemo.R’.


The returned value is an object of class cs containing the following components:


a matrix with R rows each of which contains a sample from the conditional distribution of the MLEs.


the acceptance probabilities at each Metropolis-Hastings step, that is, the probabilities with which the candidate values drawn from the candidate generation distribution are accepted.


the value of .Random.seed when rsm.sample was called.


the data as passed to rsm.sample.


the value of R as passed to rsm.sample.


the original call to rsm.sample.

Side Effects

The function rsm.sample causes creation of the dataset .Random.seed if it does not already exist, otherwise its value is updated.


The file ‘csamplingdemo.R’ contains code that can be used to run a conditional simulation study similar to the one described in Brazzale (2000, Section 7.3) using the data given in Example 3 of DiCiccio, Field and Fraser (1990).


Brazzale, A. R. (2000) Practical Small-Sample Parametric Inference. Ph.D. Thesis N. 2230, Department of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne.

DiCiccio, T. J., Field, C. A. and Fraser, D. A. S. (1990) Approximations of marginal tail probabilities and inference for scalar parameters. Biometrika, 77, 77–95.

See Also, rsm.object, family.rsm.object, rsm